Spring Allergy Checkup
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No Surgery For Me
Dear Dr. Zhuo:
Thank you for helping me avoid a third back surgery. The acupuncture treatments have significantly reduced the back pain and increased the quality of my life.
I have suffered back pain for over 30 years. I have had two surgeries, traction, medications, epidurals, chiropractic care and anything else that I could think of to reduce the pain. The scheduled third surgery was going to be a fusion of three vertebrae and there was a very good chance that my pain would not be reduced at all. I was very reluctant to try acupuncture because of my dislike of needles. So my wife made the appointment for me. The treatments are painless; in fact, I actually get a pretty good sleep every time I go. All of these tiny needles are new so that also took care of another concern.
I have been taking the treatments for almost two years. Due to the severity of my pain, initially I was taking treatments three times a week. That lasted for about a month, and I gradually was able to reduce the treatments to once every three weeks. My goal is go once a month. The most comforting aspect of working with you is your credentials as a Chinese medical doctor who has had extensive training in acupuncture. I was comfortable with the treatments from the first time we meet.
Again, thanks for all your help. I really don’t know what I would have done without your help.
Family Affair
I wanted to share the wonderful news that we had a baby boy a little over 3 months ago! I had come to see you last year on my OB/GYN doctor’s suggestion (after having 3 miscarriages in about 4 years). I had several months of acupuncture treatments at your office…and not too long after became pregnant (at 43 years young!). Fortunately, the baby was delivered naturally at Fairview Southdale hospital with Dr. Block in attendance. It is so exciting for our family to have a baby in the house again…my older children are 8, 10 and 12…
Thank to you and the staff for helping make our “little miracle” happen!!!!!
Giving me hope
I started to see Dr. Zhuo because I wanted to increase chances of becoming pregnant and wanted to avoid Western fertility treatments if possible because of side effects. I had turned 40 years old and had a miscarriage 6 months before, so I really was on a timeline.
She had me change my diet, document basal body temperature, use fertility testing strips, have intercourse on specific days of the month and I had weekly accupuncture treatments, and was started on Chinese medicine and I took high doses of the recommended vitamins and supplements. Within a few months I was pregnant.
I definitely think that Dr. Zhuo is an expert and if you follow her advice, you will have the best chances of becoming pregnant, and at least it’s worth a try rather than going directly to invasive and medications with side effects that can be dangerous at a Western fertility center.